Empowering students to become global citizens

The Universal Baccalaureate (UBacc) is an initiative in global education development that aims to equips students with the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities to excel in a dynamic and evolving global landscape. Our commitment lies in promoting effective international education within schools across the globe that empowers students to create a positive difference in the world.

"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn...and change." 

- Carl Rogers 


UBacc's mission is to establish a universal benchmark for education that empowers students to become engaged global citizens capable of making significant contributions to society and shaping a brighter future. Our mission extends beyond imparting purposeful and meaningful education to students. We strive to lead by example in our own lives. Our ultimate goal is to nurture responsible, dedicated, and exceptional global citizens within every school under the Universal Baccalaureate umbrella. We firmly believe that providing quality education is not just an obligation; it is a means to achieve a higher purpose, a step towards reaching the divine.


Our schools emphasize learning over memorization. We understand that true education goes beyond rote memorization of facts and figures. Our various programs like, Students Performance Review and Development Programme SPRDP , International Focus Programme IFP , and Career Development Programme CDP are designed for holistic development of our Students. Our Student Centric Concept Based Learning Programme (SCCBLP) and Leadership Development Programme are specially designed to promote a deep understanding of concepts, critical thinking skills, and a lifelong love for learning. UBacc's Parental Awareness Programme providing parents with the tools and resources they need to support their children's education.


"We must remember that our dream of a new society will never be realized, unless our young people who: form an integral part of our society and whom we educate have developed firm convictions, sound morals anda clear value system" 

koikara Felix."Culture and Values" New Frontiers in Education. Vol XXI, No.1, Jan-Mar, 1991, Page no 32

Universal Baccalaureate aim to develop value based education. We believe that material progress is undoubtedly important, we must not disregard the importance of recognizing ethical and spiritual values in the process. we need to ensure that as we advance technologically and economically, we also uphold and integrate values that guide our actions and decisions. 

"The decision to choose the best school for your child is an investment that echoes in their growth and achievements

We understand that choosing the best school is a crucial decision as it shapes the foundation of a child's educational journey and future success and Parents hold the compass to their child's education, guiding them toward the best school that will nurture their potential.  

Choosing a school isn't just about education; it's about finding an environment that aligns with your child's dreams and values and we assure that Universal Baccalaureate (UBacc) schools are delivering result-oriented international standard education by providing holistic development for their students. UBacc schools are truly world-class education centers. We strive to provide parents with multiple compelling reasons to select UBacc school as the ideal educational institution for their wards. 6 Reasons to Join UBacc School 

" Quality of education is not defined by the grand and imressive school buildings but by the dedication, innovation, creativity, and expertise of teachers."

                                          -Universal Baccalaureate

We provide best professional development opportunities to our teachers

Our ideology is centered on the belief that teachers are the backbone of the education system and that their passion for teaching and commitment to their profession are the key factors that determine the success of our students. Teachers are capable of creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and personal growth for students. To achieve this, we provide our teachers with the best possible professional development opportunities, resources, and support to help them continually improve their teaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest educational trends and best practices. Our schools have implemented the Teachers Performance Review and Development Programme  TPRDP  which is specially designed for this purpose

We continuously strive for excellence and innovation in our teaching methods, curriculum design, and support services.

Our dedication to result-oriented international education means that we continuously strive for excellence and innovation in our teaching methods, curriculum design, and support services. We take pride in the achievements of our students, celebrating their successes both within and beyond the academic realm. Our educators are not just teachers; they are mentors, guides, and inspirations who go above and beyond to ignite a passion for learning in their students. Through innovative and engaging teaching methods, they foster curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning.

Universal Baccalaureate Schools share their expertise to enhance student outcomes

"Educational institutions, through the sharing of their expertise, sculpt the minds of students into masterpieces of brilliance." 

-Universal Baccalaureate

When schools share their expertise, they enrich not only students' minds but also the entire landscape of learning. Universal Baccalaureate recognizes the value of collective wisdom and the power of collaboration in driving positive change. Through regular communication channels, such as conferences, workshops, and online platforms, educators from different UBacc Schools connect and engage in meaningful discussions. This exchange of knowledge and experiences enables them to gain insights into effective teaching strategies, cutting-edge pedagogical approaches, and the integration of technology in education.

By collaborating, UBacc Schools pool their resources, expertise, and best practices to address common challenges and explore innovative solutions. This collaborative spirit fosters an environment of continuous improvement, where educators strive to refine their teaching methodologies and adapt to the evolving needs of their students.

The ultimate goal of this collaborative effort is to enhance student outcomes. By collectively working towards improving teaching practices, instructional methods, and curricula, UBacc Schools strive to create an enriched learning experience for their students. The collaborative environment fosters innovation, critical thinking, and creativity, empowering students to reach their full potential and excel academically.

We firmily beleive that  Schools become beacons of inspiration when they illuminate the path with their expertise, guiding students towards greatness.

Responsibility extends beyond the classroom walls for Universal Baccalaureate schools

"When students learn to be responsible for their actions, they learn to be architects of their own success stories." 

-Universal Baccalaureate

UBacc's schools are embracing their responsibility beyond the confines of the classroom walls. We believe that Responsibility is the cornerstone of growth, and it's a gift that educators can impart to their students. We understand that education is not limited to textbooks and lectures but extends into shaping students as responsible global citizens. We actively cultivate an inclusive and diverse environment, ensuring that every student feels seen, valued, and supported. By promoting empathy, respect, and understanding, we empower students to become compassionate global citizens who embrace different perspectives and contribute positively to society. We encourage them to think critically about the challenges facing society and to actively engage in finding solutions. 

We firmily beleive that "Teaching responsibility is not a burden; it's an investment in creating a generation of accountable leaders and responsibility is the bridge between learning and action, guiding students towards purposeful lives." 

Our expertise 

Truly International School

Trained / Innovative Teachers

World Class Education

"Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect. If only the real sense of education could be realized by each individual and carried forward in every field of human activity, the world will be so much a better place to live in." 

- Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 

Empowering Your Child's Journey: A Heartfelt Message to Parents 

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Universal Baccalaureate (UBacc), beleive in the ideology of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. "अयं निजः परोवेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् । उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्"  (Mahopanishad, Adhyaya 6, Mantra 71), reminds us that the whole earth is one family, transcending boundaries and uniting humanity. We are empowering students to become global citizens. Over the years, we have worked with renowned educational institutions worldwide, gaining invaluable expertise. Through this journey, we have recognized that our current education system often emphasizes rote memorization rather than genuine learning. in many educational systems, there is a gap in focusing on value-based education.  We certainly need material advancement but not at the cost of realizing the relevance of ethical and spiritual values to it. The need is to associate values with education. 

Another significant observation we've made is that the professional growth of teachers often goes unnoticed in numerous educational institutions. At UBacc, we firmly believe that the quality of education lies not in grand school buildings but in the qualifications and experience of our teachers. They serve as the driving force behind our students' success, and we are dedicated to equipping them with the necessary tools and resources. To this end, we have implemented the Teacher Performance Review and Development Programme TPRDP , a specially designed initiative to support the growth and development of our teachers.

Our mission extends beyond imparting purposeful and meaningful education to students. We strive to lead by example in our own lives. Our ultimate goal is to nurture responsible, dedicated, and exceptional global citizens within every school under the Universal Baccalaureate umbrella. We firmly believe that providing quality education is not just an obligation; it is a means to achieve a higher purpose, a step towards reaching the divine.

We sincerely thank you for entrusting your children's education to Universal Baccalaureate schools. We promise to continue our pursuit of excellence, empowering our students to make a positive impact in the world, and upholding the values and ideology that make us distinctive.


Team - Universal Baccalaureate

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